How to increase the bottom line?
You know some of the obvious items that impact your bottom line, but what about the less obvious things that impact your bottom line…
Like brand identity.
A clear brand identity can be the difference between a business not reaching its full potential, and one that’s thriving. Understanding how to strategically operate a business that’s aligned to its brand identity will help increase the bottom line.
What is a brand anyway? And what impact does it have on a business? Is it even something we need to be spending time on and intentionally applying to our business?
What is a brand? And what it isn’t.
A brand is so much more than logos, color palettes and fonts.
Brand is how the company is perceived. Not just by customers, but also employees, partners, key stakeholders and competitors.
So whilst your brand is not something physical. It is critical to your business and it impacts everything within the business.
Why does brand identity matter?
Having a clear understanding of your brand will allow you to have a stronger position in the marketplace. When your brand identity runs through your business it ensures everything is aligned. Intentionally translating your brand into the everyday operations – systems, sales, marketing, and partner relationship development – can make a huge impact on the bottom line.
Your brand is how your company is perceived. It doesn’t matter what service you are offering – B2B, B2C or even business to agency – everything is business to human. Ultimately, all business is about human connection.
Every touchpoint and interaction represents your brand and company identity.
Here are some questions you can consider about how your company is perceived:
- How attracted are people to do business with you?
- How often do people/companies become repeat customers?
- How easy is it to do business with you?
- How likely are people to partner with you?
- How much leverage are you likely to have in those partner relationships?
All these factors impact your bottom line.
Take a minute now to think about your brand. How is it perceived by others?
How to use your brand to affect the bottom line?
There are 3 key areas you can focus on when it comes to brand identity and increasing profits:
- Strategically implementing and executing everything in your business to be aligned with your brand will allow for growth.
- Intentionally ensuring the brand stays aligned to the core values will provide a strong foundation for that growth.
- Prioritizing growth and increasing revenue to ensure the value of the brand remains high.
With 30+ years in the construction industry I have the experience and first hand knowledge to radically improve your brand identity, drive growth and increase your profits. My services are tailored to your specific company needs. Schedule a free discovery call today and we can discuss your biggest struggles with brand identity and identify ways to move your business forward.